Round Robin Scheduling Program in C++ : Source Code with Gantt Chart
[fb_button]What is Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm?
Round-robin is basically an operating system concept. Just like the other scheduling algorithms, it is a pre-emptive algorithm which means a task has been temporarily suspended but resumed at a specific process in time. In this algorithm, it forces the process out of the central processing unit when the quota expires. The limited amount of CPU time is called a quantum.
I will give you my own source code for the round robin scheduling program in C++. For I know this is somehow difficult to find in the internet. I used C++ because I am very comfortable with this programming language when it comes to difficult and complex algorithms. My round robin scheduling example with Gantt chart is just simple and straightforward. I added some side details to explain some parts of the code. I hope you would somehow appreciate my imperfect way of coding and help you solve your c++ programming codes problem. By the way, if you are very confused about the process, you could find a simple video explaining this algorithm in youtube. I am not sure if I could be a good teacher using pure words to provide you a round robin algorithm in OS tutorial. A video explanation would definitely help you; don’t have a time though recording one.
Screenshot Results
AT = Arrival Time
BT = Burst Time
CT = Completion Time
TT = Turnaround Time
WT = Waiting Time
My Source Code of Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm in C++
C++ : Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm
// #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void SearchStack01(int pnt,int tm); void SearchStack02(int pnt, int tm); void AddQue(int pnt); int at[50], bt[50], ct[50]={0}, qt, rqi[50]={0}, c=0, st, flg=0, tm=0, noe=0, pnt=0, btm[50]={0}, tt, wt; float att, awt; main(){ cout<<"ROUND ROBIN ALGO : INPUT 5 PROCESSES\n"; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ cout<<"\nProcess "<<x+1; cout<<"\nAT="; cin>>at[x]; cout << "BT="; cin>>bt[x]; btm[x]=bt[x];} cout<<"\nEnter time quantum:"; cin>>qt; system("CLS"); cout<<endl<<"GANTT CHART"<<endl<<at[0]; do{ if(flg==0){ st=at[0]; //---ReduceBT if(btm[0]<=qt){ tm=st+btm[0]; btm[0]=0; SearchStack01(pnt,tm);} else{ btm[0]=btm[0]-qt; tm=st+qt; SearchStack01(pnt,tm); AddQue(pnt);} }//if else{ pnt=rqi[0]-1; st=tm; //---DeleteQue for(int x=0;x<noe && noe!=1;x++){ rqi[x]=rqi[x+1];} noe--; //---ReduceBT if(btm[pnt]<=qt){ tm=st+btm[pnt]; btm[pnt]=0; SearchStack02(pnt, tm);} else{ btm[pnt]=btm[pnt]-qt; tm=st+qt; SearchStack02(pnt, tm); AddQue(pnt);} }//else //AssignCTvalue if(btm[pnt]==0){ ct[pnt]=tm; }//if flg++; cout<<"]-P"<<pnt+1<<"-["<<tm; }while(noe!=0); cout<<"\n\nPROCESS\t AT\t BT\t CT\t TT\t WT\n"; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ tt=ct[x]-at[x]; wt=tt-bt[x]; cout<<"P"<<x+1<<" \t "<<at[x]<<" \t "<<bt[x]<<" \t "<<ct[x]<<" \t "<<tt<<" \t "<<wt<<"\n"; awt=awt+wt; att=att+tt; }//for cout<<"\nAVERAGE TT: "<<att/5<<"\nAVERAGE WT: "<<awt/5; }//main void SearchStack01(int pnt,int tm){ for(int x=pnt+1;x<5;x++){ if(at[x]<=tm){ rqi[noe]=x+1; noe++;} }//for }//void void SearchStack02(int pnt, int tm){ for(int x=pnt+1;x<5;x++){ //---CheckQue int fl=0; for(int y=0;y<noe;y++){ if(rqi[y]==x+1){ fl++;}} if(at[x]<=tm && fl==0 && btm[x]!=0){ rqi[noe]=x+1; noe++;} }//for }//void void AddQue(int pnt){ rqi[noe]=pnt+1; noe++; }//void //